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How to Tell if Your Akron Home Has a Rodent Problem

mouse in the leaves

Mice and rats can live in a home for a long time before they're noticed. This is because they are sneaky critters. They come out at night while you're sleeping. They move quietly on their soft feet. And their incredible sense of hearing alerts them to your presence long before you notice them. If you switch a light on and see a mouse or a rat, that is a warning sign of a large infestation. Mice and rats will avoid detection unless their hunger forces them to take bolder measures to find food. There is, however, one way you might hear rodents in your home. That is where we'll begin our list of ways you can tell if your Akron home has a rodent problem.

Signs Of Rodents

  • Noises in walls or vents: When rodents are in your walls, they can sometimes feel safe enough to make a little more noise than usual. So you might notice the sound of a rodent working its way up or down through your wall voids. You may hear one chewing inside your ventilation ducts or inside a dryer exhaust line. You might hear mice scraping, clawing, bumping, and chewing in many hidden places. But most of the time, they're going to be quiet, even if they're in a location that provides relative safety.
  • Your pet is acting funny: You may not be able to hear mice and rats, but your dog or cat can. The subtle sounds made by rodents inside their hidden places do not escape the acute hearing of a dog or cat. If you notice your cat crouching in your kitchen staring under your cabinets or your dog pacing around acting strange, you might have a rodent problem.
  • You find rodent droppings: One of the first signs most homeowners see are the small black droppings that mice and rats leave behind. This is because rodents leave their feces everywhere they roam. You may find them in the cabinet under the sink. You may find them on your pantry shelves. You may find them sprinkled on your attic insulation. When you see droppings, you can tell if you have an active infestation by inspecting those pellets. Fresh droppings will be black and squishy. If you're brave enough to check to see if the droppings you've found are squishy, use a pencil or some other tool; rodent droppings can have diseases.
  • You discover holes: Rodents make holes to get into homes. They make holes to go from wall voids to pantries. They make holes in stored furniture and boxes. The food packages in your kitchen or pantry are not the only items rodents will chew holes. If you see holes in places where there should not be holes, there is a good chance you have a rodent in your home, especially if the hole is larger than a half-dollar. Rodents have long incisors that never stop growing and must be filed down. For this reason, they will chew on many objects in your home. They can't help it.
  • You find nests: If you suspect you have a mouse or rat infestation and you want to confirm it, inspecting your attic for nests is a great start. Mice and rats often create nests in attics because they are secluded and warm. Look for building materials that have been gathered together and matted down. Also, look for droppings littered about in these locations. Be sure to wear a mask during your inspection; some rodents are strong vectors for hantavirus, which can lead to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, a potentially fatal lung illness.

Epcon Lane Can Help With All Of Your Rodent Problems

If you're noticing signs of a rodent infestation throughout your home, it's best to take action quickly. You may be tempted to implement DIY methods such as traps and poison for rodent control; this can prove dangerous and ineffective over time. Though you may catch a few, rodents will become savvy to these methods and avoid traps or bait sites. Even further, using poisons could prove harmful to your pets or children. 

Mice and rats are very dangerous animals to have inside your home. They spread diseases, damage belongings, damage the structure of a home, and their chewing can sever wiring and lead to a house fire. It is best to have this pest problem taken care of by a licensed rodent control professional. For assistance with rodent control in Akron, reach out to Epcon Lane. We offer industry-leading residential and commercial pest control solutions in the Greater Akron area. We can help you make sure your home is safe from rodents and other unwanted pests. Call us today to learn more about our rodent control options. 

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