Fleas & Ticks
What Are Fleas & Ticks?

We commonly discover fleas and ticks in our Ohio yards and homes. They live in large numbers all around us and the warm weather found in our area during the spring and summer seasons allows these pests to thrive.
Fleas are insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Cat fleas and dog fleas are most common in our area, with cat fleas being the most widespread. Fleas are tiny in size and have flat bodies covered in a hard shell and large hind legs that enable them to jump 200 times their height.
Ticks are also blood-feeding pests, but they are not insects; they are arachnids. Ticks have oval-shaped bodies, eight legs, and cannot jump or fly. In our area, black-legged deer ticks and dog ticks are most common. Black-legged deer ticks are a brownish-orange color with distinctive darker-colored legs. Dog ticks are larger than deer ticks, and after feeding, they turn a bluish-gray color.
Our Flea & Tick FAQs
Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 330-278-8939 today!
Are fleas and ticks dangerous?
Both fleas and ticks can spread diseases to people and our pets that cause serious illness, with the spread of disease by ticks being a huge concern in the United States. Ticks spread diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia.
While fleas spread some diseases, the more significant concern is the allergic reactions that these pests cause. Most people and animals are allergic to their saliva and develop red itchy rashes after being bitten. Scratching at the bites can result in secondary infections. Another big concern with fleas is their ability to spread parasitic tapeworm to both people and animals.
Fleas and ticks are disease-spreading, biting, problematic pests that should never be allowed to live in our yards or homes for any period. Partnering with professionals and implementing regular pest control services is the best way to keep these pests at bay and from overtaking our Northeast Ohio properties.
Why do I have a flea and tick problem?
There are many different ways that fleas and ticks can find their way into your yard and eventually your home.
- Wild animals passing through your yard will introduce these parasites onto your property.
- Things like bird feeders, open trash cans, and garden areas can attract animals to a yard.
- When you, your kids, or pets spend time in your yard where ticks and fleas live, it is easy to come into contact with these pests and introduce them into your house.
- Fleas often move from place to place by hitchhiking on things like rugs, upholstered furniture, and linens.
- Rodents and other wild animals that move into your home to nest will bring fleas and ticks with them.
Where will I find fleas and ticks?
Fleas and ticks are mainly outdoor pests and spend most of their lives on the back of an animal host. While fleas will bite people and feed on our blood, we are not their preferred host; they prefer an animal host. New adults will jump onto a passing animal and remain on that host for their life, breeding and feeding. Flea eggs will fall off the animal host onto the ground, where they will develop into new biting adults.
Outside, you will find fleas in dark, damp areas like tall grass, under leaf piles or woodpiles, and in shady areas under shrubs and decks. Inside our homes, you may find fleas in upholstered furniture, rugs, linens, and the cracks of floors.
Ticks have a much longer lifespan than fleas and have a four-stage life cycle. At each of their life stages, they require a different host. When ready to feed, the ticks will crawl to the top of pieces of grass or other vegetation and wait for a host to brush past them they can attach themselves to and begin feeding. Some of the most common places to come into contact with ticks are wooded areas, fields, walking trails, parks, and the edges of ponds or lakes. In our yards, ticks will hang out in tall grass, under leaf piles, and around woodpiles.
Ticks are rarely an issue inside as most are unable to complete their life cycle indoors. If you find a tick in your home, it is usually because it came inside on you or a pet and fell off after it finished feeding.
How do I get rid of fleas and ticks?Don’t let fleas and ticks live in your yard or inside of your home unchecked for another day. Reach out to a professional to eliminate them from your property. For over 75 years, we have been working diligently to protect Northeast Ohio properties from our area’s most common pests. Our professionals use eco-friendly products and specialize in Integrated Pest Management to eliminate fleas and ticks from your Akron yard and stop their return. To get peace of mind from fleas and ticks and maintain a property free of these biting, blood-feeding pests, trust the Epcon Lane professionals! Learn more about our pest control packages by giving us a call today!
How can I prevent fleas and ticks in the future?
Eliminate fleas and ticks and take back your home with the help of Epcon Lane and by implementing the following prevention tips.
- Prevent your pets from wandering into areas covered in fleas and ticks by placing a fence around your property.
- Regularly inspect your pets and kids for ticks and fleas after spending time outside.
- When walking on wooded trails, always stay at the center of the path.
- Stop wild animals and rodents from wanting to be in your yard by placing lids on trash cans, maintaining gardens, and removing bird feeders.
- Keep the grass in your yard cut short. Cut back weeds and tall grass from your foundation, deck steps, walkways, and porches.
- Inside, vacuum areas where your pets spend most of their time.
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