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How To Seal Off Spider Entry Points In Your Akron Home

big brown spider

If there is a way to invade your home, spiders will surely find it. But fortunately, at Epcon Lane Pest Control, we provide the most effective and comprehensive pest control in Akron to keep arachnids out of your home. Read further to learn more about spiders in Akron, how they enter your residence, and the best ways to block their intrusion.

How Do Spiders Get Into Your Home? Eight Typical Entry Points

Before a spider can sneak into your home, it must find a way inside from the outdoors. How confusing it must feel to stumble across nuisance pests in your home when you thought your domain was tightly-sealed. What may seem like a microscopic opening is more than enough room for many small insects to squeeze through. Take a look at these eight most common entry points spiders use to gain access into your house:

  • Gaps around door and window frames
  • Rips or tears in screens
  • Cracks or holes in weather-stripping
  • Outdoor plants brought inside
  • Openings around wire conduits and plumbing
  • Spaces under doors without sweeps
  • Crevices or openings in the foundation of your home
  • Holes and spaces in wood logs brought inside

After a quick look around, you’ll most likely find other breaches where spiders and other pests have used to get inside. Addressing these issues will allow you to prevent spiders in your home consistently.

Eliminating The Spiders Inside Your Home

After you’ve spider-proofed your home to keep new arachnids out, it's time to tackle the ones already living with you. You can eliminate spiders quickly and reclaim your living spaces by taking a few proactive measures.

One of the most effective ways to eradicate spiders is to destroy their webs; this is where your handy-dandy vacuum attachment will get good use. Suction up any cobwebs that you see. Make sure you clean your home regularly as spiders are attracted to dusty areas to lay eggs. And that peppermint oil you've had in your cabinet for months makes an excellent spider repellent. Just add 15 to 20 drops of the oil to a spray bottle of water, and spritz it where spiders are likely to tread.

Whether they are harmless or dangerous spiders, reputable pest control experts can assess your situation to strategize the best treatment plan for you.

Blocking Spider Entry Points In Homes

To prevent spiders from entering your home, check all exterior doors and install sweeps if they don't already have them. You can seal the outside edges of doors using caulk and apply foam weather-stripping to the bottom track of your sliding glass doors. Spiders can also gain entry through utility openings. You can fill these cracks, holes, and gaps using steel wool, foam, cement, or caulk. Do you have vents in your crawl spaces, attic, or roof? If so, wire mesh makes a perfect covering to keep spiders out.

Professional Spider Control In Akron

Getting rid of spiders starts with preventing them from appearing in the first place. You can accomplish this task easily by partnering with highly trained pest specialists who know the habits and behaviors of different kinds of spiders in our area—no need to experiment with at-home remedies that only provide minimal results.

At Epcon Lane Pest Control, we've staked our reputation on providing advanced pest elimination solutions that are safe for your family and pets but tough on nuisance pests. We offer preventative strategies to resolve pest issues instead of simply controlling them. Our team strives to create a peaceful, pest-free living for the long term to keep you relaxed and comfortable. We offer complimentary quotes, so contact us today to request yours!

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